Report for Voices of Peasants for Financial year 2024-2025

Dear our sponsors,                                    

the organization wishes to extend its sincere gratitude to all it’s sponsors that have supported  them throughout the year. A lot has been done, and we grateful to the Lord for all that has been achieved. However, the construction of pupils’ is still undergoing construction. 

Seondary level

Under our organization, we have learners who are at secondary level of education, this year the organisation  has expanded  by building a new block with seven class rooms inorder to improve on the learning environment and sitting capacity of the learners.  The building is fully complete and the learners have started using it as shown in the picture below.



Among other achievements, the organization has managed to construct washrooms for both boys and girls. This has reduced on the earlier congestion due to limited facilities. The washrooms are fully complete and the learners have started using them as shown in the picture below.

Another building

The organisation still constructed another building to cater for the Pupils between 3-14years. This was done in order to separate pupils (Primary) from students (Secondary level) and since the pupils are so young, a lot of attention is required, we hope to accomplish with the new project before the end of February 2025. 

While the new building for the pupils is undergoing construction, there will be need for furnishing the classrooms. Below is the budget and the pictures of the required items.


 Quantity  Item         Rate/Unit cost      Amount
100 Single Seaters              26 €                    2600 €
25   Laboratory tables         66 €                   1,650 €

100 Laboratory stools        13 €                    1,300 €

1     Water tank               10.000 L                     659 €
30   Triple bedding deckers   92 €                    2760 €

Total: 8,969 €

Single Seaters

 Triple bedding deckers

 Laboratory tables  & stools

Water tank

New Building 

On the new building, which is still under construction, currently is at the beam level that requires flooring  such that learners can start using the building. Below is the flooring budget and it’s the photo that requires 9,492 Euro (Nine thousand four hundred ninety two thousand Euros) for the phase to be complete. Euro rate 3800 (€)

s/no Items       Quantity Rate/Unit cost      Amounts
1 Roofs               370 pcs        €14                      €5,180
2 Ridges                70 pcs        €6                           €420
3 Valley                   25pcs        €6                          €150
4 Roofing Nails     80 kgs        €3                          €240
5 Rubber waters   60pcts        €3                          €180
6 Timber              480 pcs        €4                        €1,920
7 Labour                                                                 €1,052
8 Transport                                                               €350
 Total € 9,492

After the roofing, the building needs to be plastered which involves the (wall, Veranda and floorer) such that it meets the required standards of a classroom for the pupils. We kindly call upon all well-wishers for their support in order to improve the learning environment of the pupils, the roofing phase will cost 9,390 Euros (Nine thousand three hundred ninety thousand Euros).
Below is the budget for the plastering (Wall, Veranda and Floor) phase.

s/no Items  Quantity    Unit cost      Amount
1 Sand          60trips     €27                    1,620
2 Floorer      50 trips    €26                    1,300
3 Stones       40trips    €39                    1,560
4 Cement   250bags    €10                   2,500
5 Soil            70 trips    €13                      910
6 Labour                                                 1,500
Total € 9,390

After the plastering phase, the building will require fixing of windows and doors. The building has 17 windows and 10 doors all un fixed. This phase will cost Euros 2,410 (Two thousand four hundred ten thousand euros) and below is the budget:

 S/no            Items Quantity      Unit cost      Amount
1 Window       17                            €80             €1,360
2 Doors           10                            €105           €1,050
Total € 2,410


Once again, Voices of Peasants extends its appeciation to all its sponsors and well-wishers for the support rendered to the organization whenever there is need. 


As shown above, the budget cost for construction of the pupils’ building will cost Euro 39,753. (Thirty nine thousand seven hundred fifty three euros). The purpose of this information is to seek more support from you to enable us complete the classrooms.  


Yours faithfully 
Zimura Murani.